Sivasailam ,(VIA) Alwarkurichi, Tenkasi Dist - 627 412 Tamilnadu , India


Mud Therapy

Mud , an unique element of nature, contains essential minerals that provide positive effects on our health. Mud absorbs no of toxins from human body and prevents several diseases. Mud is known for its healing properties, cools, holds moisture for a long time and relaxes the body. Mud Therapy Benefits: *relaxes muscles and improves blood . *maintains metabolism rendering positive impact on digestion. *useful in conditions of inflammation/ swelling.relieves pain *useful in condition of stiff joints Why mud therapy? Out of the five constituent elements, mud (earth) plays a pivotal role of our well being. The dark color of mud absorbs different colors and conveys them to the body, giving it therapeutic properties. It can be blend and consistency may be modified with ease, using water content for further usages.

Sun Bath (Plantain Leaf Bath)

The Great sun is the real physician. They cure all diseases and also prevent an untimely death" Sunlight nourishes the muscles therefore all athletes regularly bask in the sun to develop muscle size and strength and to increase the proportion of calcium for greater endurance. If the skin is deprived of sunlight by keeping it covered, the muscles tend to weaken and degenerate. Sunlight promotes the proper formation of teeth, speedy growth of hair and quick and deep breathing. It maintains and even increases the amount of alkali in the blood. Blood pressure is brought down and the kidneys become more efficient. Skin diseases can also be cured in Sun light

Hydro Therapy

Water ,an ancient method of treatment. Taking bath properly in clean, fresh cold water is an excellent form of hydro-therapy. Such bath opens up all pores of skin by removing all dead cells, imparts lightness and freshness to the body, all systems and muscles of the body are activated and blood circulation also improves. The old tradition of taking bath in rivers, ponds and water falls on specific occasions is virtually a natural form of hydro therapy only. Hip bath, enema, spinal bath, hot foot and arm bath, hot and cold fomentation, steam bath, immersion bath, hot and cold packs on abdomen, chest and other parts of the body are considered as various treatments of hydro therapy. Hydro therapy mainly preserves health and cures different types of diseases.

Fasting Therapy

Fasting refers to complete abstinence from food for a short or long period for a specific purpose. It's nature's oldest, most effective and yet least expensive method of treating disease. By depriving the body of food for a time, the organs of elimination such as the bowels, kidneys, skin and lungs are given opportunity to expel, unhampered, the overload of accumulated waste from the system. Thus, fasting is merely the process of purification and an effective and quick method of cure. Methods of Fasting: i) Dry Fasting ii) Water Fasting iii) Juice Fasting The best safest and most effective method of fasting is Juice fasting. During juice fasting various juices are given. This helps the elimination of toxins out of the body through various eliminate channels. Juice fasting enhances the bodies own healing power and cell regeneration and thus speeding the recovery.

Diet Therapy

Naturopathy places food in high regards when it comes to treating food as medicine. In naturopathic healthcare plans, diet is a critical component. Naturopaths swear by ‘we are what we eat’, and the naturopathy diet strongly reflects this belief. Naturopathy, obviously, recommends consuming food in its natural state—raw or uncooked. According to naturopathy, in order to remain healthy, our diet should be 80% alkaline (uncooked foods) and 20% acidic (cooked foods). Diet therapy in Naturopathy The diet therapy aims at cleansing our body of all the toxins we consume when we eat junk food, fast food, foods rich in trans-fat in unjustifiable quantities. It targets at building healthy eating habits and a routine that you can live with throughout your life.

Yoga Therapy

The alma matter of yoga is India. We have old and ancient heritage of yogic practices. The first hand knowledge of the same is served to the clients . This includes yoga asanas, pranayamas, meditation, relaxation methods and yogic kriyas

Air Therapy

Breathing itself is an energy. The oxygen which scarcely present in the environment also polluted, doesn't provide to the needs of the body . The Fresh air which revolts around the ashram and the hill boost up the respiration and the resolves many respiratory disorders and rejuvenates the body.

Massage Therapy

One of the immediate benefits of massage is a feeling of deep relaxation and calm. This occurs because massage prompts the release of endorphins – the brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that produce feelings of wellbeing. Levels of stress hormones, such as adrenalin, cortisol and norepinephrine, are also reduced. Studies indicate that high levels of stress hormones impair the immune system. Some of the physical benefits of massage : • reduces muscle tension • improves circulation • stimulation of the lymphatic system • reduction of stress hormones • relaxation • increases joint mobility and flexibility • improves skin tone • improves recovery of soft tissue injuries • heightened mental alertness • reduces anxiety and depression.


This inculdes various electro therapy & exercise therapy instruments. These treatements are helpful in various painful conditions and in muscle weakness, stroke and Arthritis.(IFT,Ultra sound,Traction etc...)

Steam Bath

Powerful treatment to eliminate toxins through sweats and opens up the pours which facilitates sweats and to reduce the body pain and weight.

Available Treatements

    Natural Herbs Application

    Herbal Mud
    Herbal Ganji
    Herbal Multani
    Aloe vera


    Salt Glow
    Vibro Massager

    Body Toning

    Deep Tissue
    Coconut Scrub
    Papaya Scrub
    Fruit Gel
    Hot Stone
    Cleansing Milk


    Face Packs
    Pedicure & Manicure

    Ayurvedic Treatement


    Hydro Therapy

    Full Immersion Bath
    Spinal Bath
    Steam Bath
    Foot Bath
    Hip Bath
    Hot Arm & Foot

    Light Therapy

    Sun Bath
    Plantain Leaf

    Physio Therapy

    Short Wave Dia
    Ultra Sound